exactly that

the incredible and fabulous Liss at Shakesville (a site about which i can not say enough good things) has started a compilation of “gayest looks” for Jay Leno.  it has really taken off…w/ quite the response, and is all over the blogosphere.  i am proud to say you will find yours truly showing Leno’s homophobic ass my “gayest look”…and if you are so inclined, i would encourage you to send yours to Liss as well. 

UPDATE!  even the LOLcats have caught on!  so very much awesomeness!

UPDATED UPDATE!  you can now see all the gayest looks you like here! 

Comments on: "go give Leno your “gayest look”" (3)

  1. That turned out to be a LOT of fun. When I saw that post a couple of nights ago I grabbed my camera and thought to myself “I HAVE to do this.”

  2. you didn’t just do it! you owned it! that was so awesome!

  3. Yep what a load of fun!

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