exactly that

The 300

Happy Friday!

If I did my math correctly, this is post number 300.

300 posts in just under 11 months.

I bet whoever taught me to read is really rethinking that decision right now (j/k, since it was my mom and she lurks here occasionally. She even used it in some research for a college class she is taking. My mom goes to college!).

Here’s to all the babbling!

And to you, Readerland!

PS, I am getting married tomorrow, if you are interested in such things. You may be able to read more about that here.

Now, go to Shakesville for the Pub (I would make a link to the Pub itself, but this is a scheduled post so it doesn’t exist yet. Just go.)

Comments on: "The 300" (8)

  1. congrats on 300 =)

  2. Yay 300!!! :)

  3. Yay 300 :)

  4. oops. The first one didn’t appear at first.

    Good ole Haloscan. :(

  5. you could link to the community page :)

  6. Congrats on 300 and your upcoming nuptials. Drink much champagne for me.

  7. 300! Yay!

    Enjoy your wedding day. Don’t stress and just have fun. At the end of the day you’re married and if all goes well, you’ve had a helluva party.

  8. Looking forward to 300 more and Congrats on the day of wedded bliss
    I wish you much happiness

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